Huitongda: Use "digital" as a medium to serve rural revitalization, and take advantage of "real" to boost the economic cycle

  The new stage of development.Digital EconomyIt has become the focus for countries around the world to seize new opportunities for development and shape new advantages in international competition. Our country is advancing at the strategic height of building a digital China, and has issued the "Fourteenth Five-Year Plan"Digital EconomyA series of policy documents, such as the Development Plan and the Outline of the Digital rural revitalization strategy, promoteDigital EconomyIntegrating into the whole system of economic and social developmentsocialismModern and powerful countries build a "digital pillar".

  Under the general trend of building a new development pattern and unblocking the domestic circulation, the joint stock company of Huitongda Network, which is rooted in the "first share of the lower-tier market" in Jiangsu and adheres to the corporate mission of "making farmers live better", takes township stores all over urban and rural areas as the entry point, and uses digital retail and industrial Internet as the force point. It activates rural consumption through "SaaS +" empowerment, and builds a "expressway" that links the supply and demand ends of the rural market and promotes the circulation of urban and rural economy. It has become an important driving force for the construction of digital countryside and even digital China.

  Resonant with the national strategy and moving in the same direction as the digital wave, Huitongda has been ranked as one of the top 500 Chinese enterprises, the top 500 private enterprises in China, the top 500 service enterprises in China, the top ten of the top 100 industrial Internet in China, the national digital commerce enterprise, the national e-commerce demonstration enterprise, the national high-tech enterprise, the strategic emerging industry enterprise in Jiangsu Province, and the first batch of units in the digital rural service resource pool in Jiangsu Province.

  Bridging the Urban-Rural "Digital Divide" and "Digital Retail" Reconstructing Rural Business Models

  "Vigorously promote industrial digital transformation" is one of the eight key tasks deployed in the "14th Five-Year Plan" for the development of the digital economy. It proposes to "encourage and support Internet platforms, leading enterprises in the industry, etc., based on their own advantages, open up digital resources and capabilities, and help traditional enterprises and small and medium-sized enterprises achieve digital transformation." The "Outline of Digital Rural revitalization Strategy" proposes that by the end of the "14th Five-Year Plan", the "digital divide" between urban and rural areas will be significantly narrowed, artificial intelligence and big data will be promoted, and rural brick and mortar stores will be empowered to promote the integrated development of () channels. Following the policy direction, Huitongda Duoli brings technology and digital dividends to the "three rural" field, drives the upgrading of township stores through "digital retail", and solidifies the digital "foundation" for rural commerce and rural consumption.

  Anchor "digital retail" to promote the digital transformation of township stores

  Township shops have deep roots and wide network resources. They are the fulcrum of the rural commercial circulation system, the faucet of commodity downlink, and the router of resource uplink. From the statistical data, the rural market in our country currently 4.70 million hometown town shops, and there are nearly 10 million small shops at the village level. 80% of farmers’ daily consumption is realized through these small shops. However, township and village shops are typical "traditional brick and mortar stores", with outdated business models, and there are generally outdated supply chain systems, single commodity categories, difficult capital and inventory turnover, weak network access, insufficient traffic acquisition, and backward management tools, methods and concepts.

  As early as 2012, Huitongda, which entered the market and deeply cultivated the rural market, has built an effective path with the "platform + township store" as the core model. In 2015, Huitongda took the lead in launching the "5 + empower" service for member stores. In 2017, Huitongda further launched the store "SaaS +" business. The products cover digital retail management, online store management, brand activity promotion, marketing data analytics and other multi-functional modules, which more efficiently realizes helping member stores manage goods, helping member stores manage customers, and helping member stores manage stores. " The application of innovative technology product systems and tools such as "Thousand Orange Shopkeeper" has upgraded township stores to digital retail entities with offline brick and mortar stores + online online stores + local community stores "one store and three openings" capabilities. At the same time, Huitongda continues to empower with normal technology, tools, training and other services, and continues to improve the intelligent management, Internet marketing and other functions of township stores, making it a local service platform with "Internet, data, service and ecology". It has realized the butterfly change from "waiting for customers to come to the door" to "accurate customer acquisition and efficient drainage", from "what to sell" to "what to want", from "traditional small store" to "digital operation". At present, covering 21 provinces and 169,000 hometown stores across the country, "reborn", is bursting out the huge value of "meeting the new consumption of China’s rural areas".

  Activate "digital marketing" to promote the ecological transformation of rural consumption

  In response to the current situation of township small and micro enterprises in rural areas lacking product standardization operation and Internet capabilities, Huitongda has made concerted efforts to reshape the business thinking and methods of rural business practitioners, and promote the iterative upgrading of rural consumption ecology. In recent years, Huitongda has actively carried out large-scale rural linkage shopping festivals such as the New Year’s Shopping Festival, the 418 Township Market Shopping Festival, the 618 Year-end Carnival, and the 923 Harvest Festival in rural and township areas across the country in the form of hundreds of millions of red envelopes subsidies. There are also various regular daily promotional activities. There are more than 20,000 promotions, experiences, o2o help sales, live broadcasts, etc. in the country every year. While helping township stores do big business, it meets the needs of rural consumers for quality of life.

  The exploration practice of Huitongda has received positive feedback from the township market. Zhenjiang Shushuang Home Appliances joined Huitongda in 2015. During New Year’s Day this year, Shushuang Home Appliances ushered in the third reinstallation and upgrade in 7 years. From the previous cybertribe operations, the use of SaaS tools in stores, and then the drainage landing during the opening, Shushuang Home Appliances created a total of 350,000 yuan in online and offline sales on the day of the reinstallation and opening, which really allowed the boss to experience the "good start" of the New Year. Xingyao Communication Store, located in Quanzhou Taiwanese Investment Zone, Dongyuan Town, Quanzhou, Fujian, is a typical family small business. It has been operating in the town for more than 20 years. The biggest wish of the store owner who inherited his father’s business is to start operating in a systematic and digital way. Huitongda "Thousand Orange Shopkeeper" focuses on eight major scenarios such as store management and operation, helping store owners’ stores achieve closed-loop online and offline operations, direct sales distribution promotions help traffic conversion, and various business data are synchronized and clearly visible in real time, realizing the store owners’ demands for digital store management, and the 20-year-old "old store" is rejuvenated.

  Accurately supply "data elements" "all the way at both ends" to smooth and unify the large market

  Data is a basic resource and a strategic resource, and those who obtain data have the opportunity. The "14th Five-Year" Digital Economy Development Plan emphasizes the need to give full play to the role of data elements, strengthen the supply of high-quality data elements, and support market entities to carry out data collection in compliance with the law. Encourage market forces to mine the value of commercial data, promote the productization and service of data value, vigorously develop professional and personalized data services, promote the deep integration of data, technology and scenarios, and meet the demands for data in various fields. After more than ten years of deep cultivation in the rural market, Huitongda has continued to accumulate and fully explore the value and potential of data elements, making it a "nutritional factor" to promote mutual prosperity between urban and rural businesses and a "value bridge" for high-speed circulation of urban and rural economies.

  "Data elements" flow in both directions, linking urban and rural areas "both ends and one way"

  Huitongda has noticed that small township stores after the "digital intelligence" butterfly change can precipitate consumption big data and better restore regional customer portraits. Based on big data and digital technology, by establishing data models to analyze consumption data and preferences in rural markets, it can feed back to the upstream, prompt upstream manufacturers to more accurately select and customize personalized goods and services, invert supply chain production, improve industrial efficiency, and achieve "production based on needs", "research based on needs" and "progress based on needs", better meet the needs and preferences of consumers in lower-tier markets, and promote the upgrading of rural consumption.

  Therefore, Huitongda focuses on "both ends and one way" to build a multi-industry, full-link, full-closed-loop, two-way urban and rural circulation digital "expressway". "Both ends", one is the member retail stores, that is, the digital intelligent retail end point all over the township; the other is the industrial end, cooperating with the industrial chain and supply chain partners of different industries. "All the way", that is, optimizing the end-to-end digital new business road, so that it can gradually realize online, digital and intelligent. " The exploration and practice of "One Road at Both Ends" has promoted more efficient and smooth flow of market elements in urban and rural areas, promoted new supply and marketing relationships such as "single collection" and "reverse customization", built a flat supply chain, effectively shortened intermediate links, and fully connected the sharing between upstream brand enterprises and factories, so that rural consumers can enjoy better, more economical and faster goods and services.

  Township shops have more goods and lower purchase prices, so they can "sell well and make more money", while consumers can "buy well and spend less money".

  "Digital services" two-way empowering, supply and demand share value dividends

  As "China’s leading trading and service platform for retail industry enterprise customers in the lower-tier market", Huitongda keeps the open API attribute, continues to strengthen magnetic attraction and cohesion, integrates domestic high-quality brand resources to serve the countryside, and makes the rural market more products, better services, and consumption come alive.

  As of December 31, 2021, the company has formed a retail ecosystem covering 21 provinces and municipalities, 20,000 townships in China. The business covers more than 169,000 member retail stores. The products cover six categories of household appliances, consumer electronics, agricultural production materials, transportation, home building materials, and beverages, and the total number of product SKUs exceeds 180,000.

  The entire lower-tier market that Huitongda focuses on shows obvious two-way market characteristics. In the fertilizer chain, Huitongda provides procurement services and channel services for high-priced fertilizers, and carries out "joint procurement and sales" of finished fertilizers around county-level distributors. At present, it has reached strategic cooperation with Rising Group, Chongqing Agricultural Materials, Anhui Huilong, (), etc. Due to the huge fluctuations in the prices of raw materials for production in recent years, the cooperation between Huitongda and the above-mentioned manufacturers in the supply of raw materials has helped to control production costs and reduce the adverse impact of rising raw material prices to a certain extent.

  In the feed chain, Huitongda has explored a closed-loop model of "fertilizer and grain integration". By working with regional governments and upstream agricultural enterprises to sell corn and other crops to the deep processing market, it simultaneously solves the problems of farmers "selling well if they grow well" and upstream factories "unified single collection". Since the whole process participates in the procurement and distribution of feed, fertilizer, etc., Huitongda has the ability to explore greater value through the closed-loop of the industrial chain. Farmers purchase feed or other raw materials produced by chemical fertilizers, and by locking the factory that purchases raw materials in advance, they ensure that the entire business flow, logistics, information flow, and capital flow achieve a closed loop of "four streams in one".

  Focusing on "Digital Village" and "Comprehensive Services" to create a demonstration model

  Choosing rural farmers as the service object, Huitongda naturally has both economic and social responsibility attributes. For a long time, Huitongda has taken the initiative to undertake corporate social responsibility in the fields of rural poverty alleviation, rural revitalization, and digital countryside, and has set an industry benchmark by "combining knowledge and action".

  Serve farmers to get rich, and plug in the "digital bridge" for agricultural products to leave the village and enter the city

  When the road is open, the upstream delivery of goods and resources will be unimpeded. In terms of the "Internet + Agricultural Products Out of Villages and Into Cities Project", in June 2021, Huitongda, as a pilot unit of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs of the Agricultural Products Out of Villages and Into Cities Project, joined hands with Baidu and Xuyi County Government to participate in the lobster uplink work in Xuyi County. The first batch of cooperation has helped Xuyi County uplink nearly 3 million lobster and crab agricultural products. As the vice chairperson unit of the e-commerce for poverty alleviation alliance of the Ministry of Commerce, Huitongda actively participates in various poverty alleviation activities carried out by the alliance, and won the "China e-commerce for poverty alleviation alliance poverty alleviation contribution award" of the Ministry of Commerce. For example, in Wuxi Yangshan Peach Base and other places, Huitongda has established 4 agricultural product bases, in-depth management, and live broadcast in the field to help the uplift. Under the normal situation of epidemic prevention and control, in response to the direct sales of agricultural products across the country, Huitongda actively practices the call of "Let mobile phones become new agricultural tools" and "Let live broadcast become new agricultural work". With the help of live broadcast + short video tools, it empowers more township customers and county-level people to carry out 12-hour national linkage agricultural product live broadcast and delivery activities, helping more than 50 regional characteristic agricultural products across the country to expand sales and increase income.

  From August to October 2021, through the "Anti-Epidemic and Assisting Farmers" activity, Huitongda helped sell a total of 13,000 kilograms of fruits in one week, helping farmers increase their income by 1.49 million yuan. From January to March this year, Huitongda connected a total of 1,520 farmers from 12 poverty reduction counties, and sold a total of 5.35 million yuan of agricultural products.

  Efforts should be made to train talents and consolidate the "first resource" for the rural revitalization strategy

  The key to rural revitalization lies in the revitalization of talents. It is also Huitongda’s long-term commitment to promoting local skills in rural areas and enhancing the Internet-based management capabilities of rural grassroots talents. Huitongda has established a comprehensive training system for new farmers and new farmers.

  In terms of training courses, Huitongda and the Jiangsu Provincial Department of Human Resources and Social Security have established Internet marketer appraisal standards to empower new farmers through training and actual combat. Three training courses are planned: "Internet celebrity live broadcast course", "e-commerce operation course" and "live broadcast + short video practical course". With the starting point of "skill-based, theory-supplemented", the whole live broadcast practical knowledge will be explained in an all-round way to help new farmers live streaming host understand the important content of each link of live broadcast construction. In terms of building a training base, Huitongda has strategically cooperated with the Jiangsu Internet Association to establish in-depth cooperation in projects such as "Su Goods Live" public welfare brand building, live broadcast and short video technology research and application, and empowering e-commerce demonstration counties, and established the Jiangsu Internet Association Live Broadcasting Technology Research Center and Su Goods Live Internet Marketing Training Base. So far, a total of 11 large-scale themed e-commerce trainings have been carried out in various counties in the province. In the training of member store owners, Huitongda conducts business and management training in a combination of online and offline for township store operators. Online, "Huixuetang" has been opened on the Huitongda "Super Boss" APP. There are nearly 100 online courses such as WeChat community marketing, boss business experience, and store drainage. Bosses can log in to learn at any time; offline, Huitongda ground marketing personnel – Tiejun team is active between township stores every day, conducting point-to-point practical operation and teaching, integrating training into daily store operations. Bosses do business while learning.

  In recent years, in order to help the young generation in rural areas return to their hometowns to start businesses and return talents, Huitongda has created the "Salary Plan": for new rural youth who aspire to engage in rural careers, including the children of these bosses, to provide them with new business knowledge training to help them develop their personal abilities. Now the "Salary Plan" has a large number of post-90s and post-95s who have passed the plan and joined the rural cause. It is worth mentioning that on May 28 this year, the province’s first digital enterprise carried out the evaluation and certification of Internet marketers. A total of more than 80 candidates participated in this evaluation work, which provided a strong talent support exploration for promoting consumption upgrading in the new era, consolidating the achievements of poverty reduction, and helping rural revitalization.

  Deepen government-enterprise cooperation to create a "model" for digital rural construction

  Deepening government-enterprise cooperation and promoting the construction of digital villages is one of the directions that Huitongda is determined to practice. In June 2021, Huitongda, as a pilot unit of the Ministry of Agriculture for the "Internet + Agricultural Products Out of Villages and into Cities Project", joined hands with the Xuyi County Government to participate in the uplink work of lobster in Xuyi County. The first batch of cooperation helped Xuyi County to uplink nearly 3 million lobster, crab and other agricultural products.

  In August 2021, Huitongda and Zhejiang Shengzhou Municipal Bureau of Commerce officially signed a contract, and the two sides launched in-depth cooperation on the national-level e-commerce into rural comprehensive demonstration project. In terms of assisting the local government to build Shengzhou e-commerce public service center, rural e-commerce service outlets, e-commerce talent cultivation system, and industrial product distribution service system, etc., we will give full play to the advantages of enterprise resources to create a digital rural construction demonstration and a digital rural construction model.

  In order to better promote the construction of digital villages in Jiangsu Province, in October 2021, the Network Information Office of the Jiangsu Provincial Party Committee and the Jiangsu Provincial Department of Agriculture and Rural Affairs specially organized a meeting to promote the construction of digital villages in Jiangsu Province. As a "comprehensive service provider" among the first batch of digital rural service resource pools in Jiangsu Province, Huitongda will carry out digital rural service work such as new farmer training and digital transformation of township stores under the guidance of relevant departments.