Peng Yuyan: An existence that cannot be ignored on China’s big screen in the past ten years

1905 movie network feature "Very difficult and very dangerous!"Once again cooperating with "Devil Forest", Peng Yuyan jokingly "complained bitterly".


The story revolves around the maritime rescue team, and a large part of the scene needs to be filmed in the water. The complex situation in deep water is difficult to control, so Peng Yuyan has experienced several drowning accidents.

The most impressive time for him was in the water of only six or seven degrees, when the Wia, which was supposed to protect him, suddenly got stuck in the truck, causing it to be dragged away at a depth of several tens of meters.


In the dark water, helplessness and worry all rushed towards him.

What’s even more terrifying is that Peng Yuyan did not have any tools at his disposal at that time.

At that time, the rope that stuck him was very tight and could not be pulled, so Peng Yuyan tried his best to pull it. He could not care that the whole nail had been lifted, nor could he care that a small piece of his hand had been cracked, so he could only try his best to dive.

Fortunately, he finally found a place where he could use the hook force, and he was able to untie the rope and get ashore safely.


When an emergency happened, Lin Chaoxian on the shore was extremely worried and kept asking him with concern: "Is there anything wrong? Is there anything wrong?".

However, Peng Yuyan, who had just "escaped death", did not complain and only replied that he wanted to rest. Then the next day, he continued to go into the water.


Unfortunately, there are too many shots in the water, and there are really many accidents.

Danger wrapped around Peng Yuyan again and again, and luck often saved him from the sea of misery.


Remembering these little things, he couldn’t help but feel a lingering fear. But the tone of the chat was a little light and light. In fact, going up the mountain and going to the sea, going to the sky and going to the ground, being blown by water, burned by fire, and hung by helicopters, Peng Yuyan’s shooting of "Emergency Rescue" was not easy.

According to Wang Yanlin’s "revelation": "Everyone was hoisted by helicopters for about 15 minutes, but Peng Yuyan was often hoisted for 30 or even 40 minutes. What’s amazing is that Peng Yuyan also felt that time passed quickly."

He makes a funny analogy. The washing machine in his home is timed for 30 minutes, and the other party can rotate faster than the front-loading washing machine.


Peng Yuyan, who was serious, only had the fighting spirit to "make this play well" in his eyes. It is true that Peng Yuyan has always been like this.

"Fight for your life"

Shoot a play, grow a skill

In the days when there was no filming, he often asked himself:Why do others have so many fans?Why do others make so much money?Why do people advertise so much?

Immersed in the slump of acting, he often reflected, and in the end, he blamed the reason for his failure: "I’m not good enough!"


From the moment he woke up, he told himself that every character should be treated as the last one, and he should do his best every time.


In the movie, Peng Yuyan and Chen Yihan have a lot of scenes that require sign language communication. To this end, he went to the deaf and mute as a teacher and practiced sign language diligently for several months.

Every day, when she ate, brushed her teeth, and even when she took a shower, she compared her sign language. Peng Yuyan’s mother felt that her son was going crazy.


Thanks to this madness, he not only learned to communicate in sign language. As a starring role, he also helped "I Heard" to win the championship of Taiwan’s domestic film box office with 30 million Taiwan dollars at the box office, and began to shine gradually.


Two years later, director Lin Yuxian found Peng Yuyan again. Even though the previous film failed miserably, director Lin still saw the belief in the boy and invited him to shoot.

Shin in the movie is a gymnast, the character prototype is real, and is the director’s biological brother Lin Yuxin.


In fact, at that time, Peng Yuyan, who was already 29 years old and 182cm tall, was not suitable for gymnastics regardless of his age or figure.

But in order to play "A Xin" well, Peng Yuyan still started a devilish high-intensity training. For the first three months of filming, he only ate boiled vegetables every day and practiced for 12 hours a day.

Finally, he miraculously learned all gymnastics and completed the filming of the film without any doubles.


In Peng Yuyan’s mind, he regards hard work as a joint cause and effect.He believes that his efforts will be seen, and people will look for him when they see it.


No, because he had seen "Roll Over! A Xin" and heard that Peng Yuyan spent time learning gymnastics for "A Xin", Lin Chaoxian thought of him when he was preparing.


Lin Chaoxian did not shy away from saying that "Roll Over! Ashin" is not a big production, and Peng Yuyan is willing to pay like this, which is not easy.

So, he asked Peng Yuyan: "You were stupid once for Ah Xin, can you be stupid again for" Guild Wars "?" The latter replied: "Okay!"


Preparing for "Guild Wars", Peng Yuyan started the special training of hell again. Every day, he learned boxing and fighting, and his ears were always swollen. He had to change his posture when he slept, and he would wake up when he touched it.

Recalling the pain at that time, he "complained": "Brother Zhang Jiahui and I both shot like dogs, we were almost dying."


And as we can see, this time’s dedication not only allowed him to acquire new martial arts skills, but also produced an outstanding work.


After filming "Guild Wars", Lin Chaoxian "made a comeback" and wanted to invite Peng Yuyan to shoot a love story about riding a bicycle. Peng Yuyan was secretly happy: "The love story is good, riding a bicycle is also good, it can be easier."


Unexpectedly, before the official appearance, he began to ride six to seven hours a day for training. During training, he fell to his death. In the same area, old wounds often have not healed, and new bleeding wounds will fall out. The whole body is full of scars. But after thorough preparation and practice, he exchanged for a bicycle track use certificate.


Not afraid of hardship, not afraid of fatigue, Peng Yuyan is a person who is good at seizing opportunities.


In his words: "I don’t have talent, so I fight with my life! I’m not bitter, I’m afraid I won’t be able to learn anything."

"Courage to Expand"

Dare to try, the road is wide

Working with Lin Chaoxian, Xu Anhua, Jiang Wen and Zhang Yimou, Peng Yuyan is known as the "famous guide harvester".


Indeed, behind the seemingly unparalleled resources, Peng Yuyan has never stopped in the same comfort zone.Regarding the development of the drama, he did not set any restrictions on the direction, nor did he wear attribute shackles.


With the TV drama "Love White Paper" debut, Peng Yuyan has starred in different styles of dramas such as "Legend of Immortals and Swords" and "Young Yang Family General".

In terms of film, he has successively handed over a number of other works.


In terms of genre, whether it is romance, crime, kung fu, or drama, Peng Yuyan is willing to challenge. As for character attributes, even villains like Zhong Li Jiajun do not resist at all.


The breadth of the play gives him more opportunities to experiment with different types of creativity.


Whether it is Lin Siqi, the rich second-generation boxer in "Guild Wars", Li Tianran, the vengeful teenager in "Evil No Pressure", Fang Xinwu, the anti-drug police officer in "Operation Mekong", and Gao Qian, the rescue team leader in the current "Emergency Rescue", Peng Yuyan’s image as a tough guy on the screen is well received.


On closer inspection, it is not difficult to find that Peng Yuyan, who used to grasp both action films and romance films, seems to have gradually reduced the output of the latter in recent years. To this, he responded: "I used to shoot a lot of romance films or school films, but I think when you get old, you have to change and do different things."


Or because of this, even if it was a romantic film, he also chose to take on a more literary one.


Different from the previous "I am Kenting sunny weather", such as the sunshine of youth love, the original from Zhang Ailing’s pen, and directed by Xu Anhua, "the first furnace incense" love more gloomy.


In the film, Peng Yuyan is a Chinese-Portuguese mixed-race and playboy Qiao Qiqiao. Obviously, from appearance to essence, the tough Peng Yuyan doesn’t look like a feminine character himself.

After all, in Zhang Ailing’s description, "Qiao Qi Qiao’s lips are as pale as plaster. Under those dark eyebrows and eyelashes, her eyes are like a wind-blown Waseda, sometimes revealing the blue light of the water under the rice, flashing and then darkening again."

Peng Yuyan’s image is too different from it, and when the official casting was announced, it had already set off a heated discussion among netizens.

In fact, when he just received the script, Peng Yuyan didn’t have much confidence to play this role well. However, after Xu Anhua’s many invitations, he was still convinced.


Once again, he took a bold step forward and ventured into the field of literary and artistic works that he rarely came into contact with.


Before the filming started, he was old enough to understand the background of the times, and he hired teachers to specialize in Portuguese and dancing. He was young enough to learn how people in that era walked and ate. In order to urge himself to find the state slowly, he did not do less homework.


Unfortunately, from the official casting to the release of the first trailer, the evaluation of "The First Incense" tends to be polarized, and the two protagonists of Peng Yuyan and Ma Sichun are pushed to the public opinion trend of "destroying the original".

At present, "The First Incense" has not yet been released, and we are not sure how Peng Yuyan’s final performance will be.It is worth encouraging that for him, having the courage to expand into new fields is a good start.

However, in this process, one might also learn to tolerate controversy.


As the film critic Zhou Liming put it, "Peng Yuyan, who is dressed in tendons, wants to play a sick role, which is not wrong in itself. Whether this attempt is successful or not is another matter."

In Zhou Liming’s opinion, he was more looking forward to the success of Peng Yuyan’s attempt, but if it failed, it seemed that he could not be blamed. Because Peng Yuyan was freely running in his field of expertise, creating one fresh character after another.


In addition to "The First Incense", Peng Yuyan’s drama with new director Wen Shipei has also been completed and is waiting to be released.

As for the criteria for choosing a script in the future, Peng Yuyan bluntly said that he wanted to like it: "For the scenes I shoot, I want to choose the ones that I find enjoyable. As long as I like it, I think I can try it!"

Jiang Wen once commented that Peng Yuyan was a great person.

As an actor, he strives hard and is as bold as he is. Perhaps in the future, Peng Yuyan will still bring new surprises to the audience.