The Sailis Super Factory was completed and put into use, and Chongqing built a trillion-level industrial cluster and added "hard core power"

Xinhuanet, Chongqing, February 6 (Han Menglin) As the Spring Festival approaches, there is good news from Chongqing’s intelligent networked new energy vehicle industry – the Sailis Automobile Super Factory in Liangjiang New District, Chongqing has been completed and put into use. As the production plant of the latest high-end new energy model of Sailis Automobile, the M9, built with the concept of "automotive industry brain", is another benchmark factory in the domestic new energy vehicle manufacturing field, which will help Chongqing to further build a trillion-level intelligent networked new energy vehicle industry cluster.

During the completion and commissioning of the Cyrus Super Factory and the delivery of the first batch of M9 owners held on February 5, thousands of new cars from the intelligent production line in the Cyrus Super Factory were ready to be delivered to users across the country.

Walking into the factory, the robotic arms on the digital assembly line are constantly dancing, completing stamping, welding, painting, final assembly and other links in turn. According to reports, the factory is built in accordance with international leading standards and industrial Internet requirements. Through the comprehensive application of intelligent technology, each production line in the factory has realized the interconnection of equipment and data in the production process, with high efficiency, intelligence, cutting-edge, green and other characteristics. The factory has more than 1,000 intelligent equipment, more than 3,000 robots cooperate intelligently, achieving 100% automation of key processes; using the industry’s first quality automation testing technology to achieve 100% quality monitoring and traceability; through the industry’s leading 9000T die casting machine, 87 parts can be integrated into 1 part, reducing weight by 28%, 222 parts are integrated into 10, and 1440 welding points are reduced, effectively improving production efficiency and product quality, achieving efficient production, lightweight, and high safety.

"Sailis Auto Super Factory has fully ensured the factory quality of each M9 from the application of smart equipment and vehicle detection technology." The person in charge of the factory said.

At present, Cyrus Automobile has a number of modern vehicle and parts production bases in Liangjiang New District, Shapingba, Jiangjin, Changshou and Shiyan, Hubei. In 2023, with its advanced "intelligent manufacturing" strength, Cyrus Automobile Smart Factory won the 2023 Intelligent Manufacturing Demonstration Factory.

As an important traditional automobile production base in the country, in recent years, Chongqing has anchored the goal of building a trillion-level intelligent networked new energy automobile industry cluster. It has gathered 16 new energy vehicle enterprises to fully deploy various technical routes such as pure electric, plug-in, extended range, hydrogen fuel, and power exchange. A number of emerging brands have accelerated their rise, and a number of mid-to-high-end new energy models have been listed and sold well, which has strongly supported the development of industrial clusters. In 2023, Chongqing’s automobile production rose to the second place in the country, and the added value of the automobile industry increased by 9.3%. Among them, the output of new energy vehicles reached 500,000, and the mid-to-high-end new models such as the AITO series continued to sell well. Chongqing also continued to improve public charging facilities, etc., to ease consumers’ anxiety about "difficult and slow charging" and build a solid foundation for new energy vehicle consumption

It is understood that the first batch of M9 models delivered this time is the latest product jointly created by Cyrus Automobile and Huawei in three years. It has many product highlights such as changeable space, intelligent cockpit, intelligent driving control, intelligent driving, and intelligent security. It realizes the intelligent cockpit and high-level intelligent driving experience of multi-person, multi-screen and multi-device interaction. Since its launch in December 2023, the cumulative order has exceeded 40,000 units. In the top ten sales of luxury brands in the Chinese market in January this year, Cyrus asked the world to rank among the top five.

Zhang Xinghai, chairperson of Cyrus Group, said, "In the future, Cyrus Automobile will focus on the field of intelligent networked new energy vehicles, define the car with software, actively build an all-connected car ecosystem, and solidly promote high-quality development with new quality productivity. At the same time, continue to strengthen the comprehensive cooperation with Huawei Automotive related business, continue to launch leading generation products for the market, and bring better experience to users."