"Back to her parents’ home" vote, artist Lin Qingxia expresses her support for Ma Ying-jeou (photo)

  China News Service, March 22, actress Lin Qingxia was surrounded by a large number of media when she returned to vote last night, and she did not deny that she supported Ma Ying-jeou.

  According to Taiwan’s United Daily News, Lin Qingxia walked briskly on flat red shoes, prayed for blessing and reassurance with a cross necklace, a bright smile, and a cordial handshake, which reassured many fans at the airport. Faced with sensitive topics such as Qin Xianglin, she responded smartly: "It’s the past."

  Lin Qingxia was different. Before she left the customs, the people who cleared the customs first had already whispered, "It’s very watery (beautiful)," "Wear big red, beautiful woman". As soon as she appeared, many fans simply did not leave.

  Standing behind her was the V-shaped Women’s Army, a member of Ma Ying-jeou’s support club headquarters, and Lin Qingxia also followed suit. She said that future leaders should have: "Infinite tolerance, excellent character, compassion, and world view. These characteristics are in line with Ma Ying-jeou. I hope there will be no blue-green in the future society."

  "Be tolerant. I am also a Taiwanese daughter-in-law. It is normal for me to return to my mother’s home. I have a responsibility to Taiwan."

  After being photographed showing the votes, Lin Qingxia said that "it is better to keep the time and place of today’s voting confidential," adding: "I didn’t show the votes, because you are too responsible and the camera is a problem."

  Lin Qingxia also reportedly said "Ma Ying-jeou is elected" loudly before getting on the bus.

Editor in charge: Li Xian