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Kim Jong-un

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  Kim Jong-il’s youngest son, Kim Jong-un, has become the focus of global attention since he was rumored to be "the successor of the top leader of North Korea". The British "Times" disclosed on June 8 that Kim Jong-un is a huge fan of California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger, and especially likes to watch Terminator. He also likes watching Japanese cartoons. In the eyes of classmates, Kim Jong-un is a humorous and friendly good student.

  Is a "fan" of Schwarzenegger.

  Kim Jong-un, the third son of North Korea’s top leader Kim Jong Il, revealed on the 7th that Kim Jong-un was a particularly smart and outgoing student while studying at Berne International College in Switzerland. Like other boys, Kim Jong-un is a huge fan of Arnold Schwarzenegger, the "strongest man in the world", and loves watching the Hollywood blockbuster Terminator. In his spare time, Kim Jong-un often enjoys watching Japanese cartoons.

  A classmate friend who asked not to be named said in an interview with the German newspaper Le Monde on Sunday: "Kim Jong-un is a very humorous person and a happy fruit of his classmates. Cheerful and outgoing, he gets along well with everyone. There are many foreign students in our school, some of whom come from’ hostile countries’ in the eyes of Koreans. Even so, Kim Jong-un is one with them. " "In school, politics is a taboo." We always talk only about football and movies. Kim Jong-un’s lessons are particularly good, especially math. "

  "Private bodyguards" are more popular than themselves

  Kim Jong-un, 26, was admitted to Berne International College in Switzerland in 1993 and graduated in 1998. At school, Kim Jong-un always used the name "Park Zhe". For the sake of safety, Kim Jong-un has a full-time driver to pick him up and drop him off from school every day, which is not common in Berne International College, Switzerland. At that time, Kim Jong-un lived in the North Korean Embassy and often went to various occasions with the ambassador.

  Kim Jong-un’s classmate also revealed that there is also a North Korean student named Guang Zheng who entered school with Kim Jong-un. Because he has been following around Kim Jong-un, Guang Zheng was once suspected to be Kim Jong-un’s bodyguard. "Once I saw Guang Zheng kick a pencil from a student’s mouth to the ground. The average student can never do such a professional action. He must have received professional martial arts training. Because he is good at sports, he is actually more popular than Kim Jong-un. "

  "North Korea will be stronger under his leadership!"

  The true identity of Kim Jong-un has always been the focus of students’ speculation. Some people suspect that the driver who picks him up every day is his father, while others speculate that he is the son of a senior diplomatic envoy. In fact, little is known about Kim Jong-un. It was not until Kenji Fujimoto, Kim Jong-il’s former chef, published a revealing book that the "first son" gradually unveiled the mystery.

  When talking about Kim Jong-un being appointed as the next top leader of North Korea, his classmates said: "Kim Jong-un has been exposed to western education, and his leadership style may be different from his predecessor. Perhaps, North Korea will become stronger under his leadership! "

  Related links:

  • Kim Jong Il calls for vigorous development of fruit tree planting (Figure) 2009-06-08

  • Japanese media said that Kim Jong Il’s eldest son refused to take over or went into exile in Macau, the United States and South Korea 2009-06-06.

  • There are still doubts about Kim Jong Il’s third son’s eligibility to take over from politics.

  • The South Korean government confirmed that Kim Jong Il’s third son, Kim Jong-un, was appointed as the successor.

  • The South Korean government confirmed that Kim Jong Il’s third son, Kim Jong-un, has been designated as the successor.

  • Kim Jong-un may succeed Kim Jong-il. The media speculated that North Korea’s nuclear test was related to the alternation of power 2009-06-04.