Xiaomi 10000 mAh wireless power bank review

"Can it be charged?" "Can it be charged?" "Can it really be charged?" "Yes". Recently, Xiaomi enthusiast Amway has bought a lot of Xiaomi products.

Later, I found out that the Apple I was bitten by could not be charged wirelessly, because the mobile phone did not support it. Jizhijia will unpack the Xiaomi wireless power bank for everyone today, a thing that "bought it and bought it at a loss".

First of all, let’s look at its shape. Yo, because it’s not the Mijia series anymore, the packaging returns to the bright and bright outer packaging color of Xiaomi. The logo of Xiaomi in the upper right corner is orange, and I can’t control this color number. (ps: There is a color difference in the photo, and it has become orange-red, beautiful)

Isn’t it weird that the back looks bare and bare? Jizhi added a small hand to put the anti-counterfeiting logo and barcode. These parameters tell us that the 10,000 mAh wireless power bank can also be plugged into the USB wired hole. Even if my mobile phone can’t be charged wirelessly, it can still be charged by cable.

Wireless charging 9V voltage input, the maximum power is 10W. According to the official test, it takes 2 hours to fully charge the Xiaomi Mi 9 wireless, and the speed is still relatively fast. The USB-A and USB-C interfaces that support wired output have a maximum power of 18W.

It is also wrapped in a layer of plastic film, with a short Type-C data cable. It’s not that Ji Zhijia wants to complain, this cable is too short, right? It’s okay to charge the mobile phone, but what about charging the power bank?

The front of the power bank is a wireless charging pad, and there are two charging interfaces and a power check button for the power bank on the head. Jizhijia found the manual hidden in a very secret place of the box. It told me: The power check button is not a switch button, and the USB-A/USB-C interface of this product automatically detects discharge without pressing the button.

Come on, where is the product manager, tell me if this is a wireless power bank or a wired power bank. The Xiaomi I borrowed doesn’t respond when I put it on. You need to press the power check button to charge it. "Read this manual carefully before using the product." In the important description on the first page, it actually introduces the USB port. I am a wireless power bank!

The indicator light next to the power check button is the wireless charging indicator light. When it is in standby, it is the breathing light. When it is working, it is always on. When it is abnormal, it is the dining room. Needless to say when it is closed, it is black. Next to the wireless charging indicator light is the power indicator light. It is fully bright when it is fully charged. When it is almost out of power, the prompt light next to the wireless charging indicator light flashes. Needless to say if there is no power at all: there is no light guest to leave a light for you. Sorry to charge it!

The back of it is simply printed with a Xiaomi LOGO, which is simple and generous. The bottom is also printed with the basic parameters of the power bank. Except for the charging pad and two ends, the other parts of the whole power bank are made of matte matte material, which feels very good.

Hatred, he went to other friends to borrow a mobile phone to charge, and he couldn’t use the things he bought. He was very sad, crying secretly, and lost his appetite…

Lack of appetite is impossible, turn grief and anger into appetite!

The two interfaces of the power bank can be plugged and charged, and the wireless charging indicator light will light up after plugging it in. Yes, that is, either press the button or jack it. Only in this way can the wireless charging be turned on, and it cannot be flushed immediately. It’s good to have unfair treatment habits. You can’t have a reverse psychology. Wireless charging.

Start charging after putting the phone away, and stop charging after picking up the phone for 1-2 seconds. If there is no device placed after wireless charging is turned on, it will automatically turn off after 1 minute, and if the device is placed and picked up again, it will automatically turn off after 2 minutes. And in addition to the placement positions of the upper and lower pictures, it cannot be charged if it is placed too above or too below or too next to it. So Xiaomi’s power bank can also charge other mobile phones that support wireless charging.

In addition, short press the power check button of this power bank twice in a row to turn on the small current discharge mode to continuously charge Bluetooth headphones, bracelets and other devices. Short press the check button once to exit the small current discharge mode, or automatically exit after 2 hours.

In the end, Jizhijia felt that this power bank was really heavy, and it crushed my broad shoulders in the bag. 149 is not too expensive, but it would be better if the charging cable could be lengthened.